We think sustainability is rather a journey than a goal; an ambitious task that today, has to be redefined in a broader way and put to trial in today’s medical practice. This affects both the way we do our daily work and the materials we use for our patients.

Awarded the seal of quality DIE GRÜNE PRAXIS

Protecting the environment is part of our philosophy. We are very conscious of our resources and have been trying to avoid disposable items and avoidable packaging waste for years.

Waste separation is a standard for us. Of course, we comply with the strict requirements of the Robert Koch Institute for Hygiene. We have been dispensing with single-use plastic cups and plastic suction cannulas since 2018 and are now using sterilisable glasses and metal suction devices.

Our high standards of practice hygiene were confirmed during a routine inspection by the health department in October 2019: "Overall, your practice has a very good hygiene standard."

We were able to significantly reduce our power consumption by using LED lamps.

The doctors and employees use bicycles or public transportation sponsored by Q213 as often as possible.